Cool Water! by Peterkort Roses – A long-lasting lavender rose with greenish outer petals and a full many-petalled bud. Cool Water is a standard rose that is the classic go-to rose for lavender. Available from late April through October.

Cool Water! by Peterkort Roses – A long-lasting lavender rose with greenish outer petals and a full many-petalled bud. Cool Water is a standard rose that is the classic go-to rose for lavender. Available from late April through October.
Lavande is a powerfully scented standard rose in a luscious dark lavender. It opens quickly as most scented varieties do, and does not have a high petal count. But oh that fragrance! Fruity, lemony, like lychees! This smaller headed rose is available from late April through October.
Mon Cherie by Peterkort Roses – Pink mauve is an apt color description. Its petals are loose and poppylike with a slight folded appearance like crepe. And the scent – sweet and herbal, perhaps licorice? This spray rose is available from May through December.
Ocean Song by Peterkort Roses – Pale lavender beauty, almost silver, with wonderful tea rose shape, good petal count, and excellent holding ability. Ocean Song is a standard rose and it blooms between late April and December.
Silver Charm spray rose is a pale lavender color. It tones well with the standard rose Ocean Song. It holds up well compared with other lavender sprays of the past. A very sweet, small spray rose. Spray roses are in 10 stem bunches. Available from late April through December.