
Babe is a bright orange luscious spray rose in the orange/yellow spectrum. (If you are looking for orange/pink see Springtime). Babe has a good sized head for a spray rose, and blooms from May through December.

Lilies – Asiatic – Orange

A many-flowered orange asiatic lily is a strong bright color in a bouquet. Orange asiatic lilies are available year round from our greenhouses.


Naranga by Peterkort Roses – A clear orange standard rose with robust petals. Quite long lasting. Naranga blooms from late April through December.


Spicy by Peterkort Roses – This orange rose has a hint of pink, and radiates to a lighter orange as it opens. When fully open it could impersonate the classic Tropicana. Spicy is a standard rose that blooms from May through December.


Springtime spray rose – Beautiful little buds of coral/pink/orange in sprays.  Springtime spray rose is a more subtle color than our other orange spray rose, Babe.  Spray roses are sold in 10 stem bunches.  Availability is late April through December.